About CIOD

The first of its kind, the Canadian Investment Opportunities Database (CIOD) brings fragmented provincial, municipal and private sector information across Canada together into one database, in one standard format. The database offers a matchmaking service for Forum attendees willing to opt-in. Opting-in enables potential investors and project partners to find suitable public and private projects that are either continuing or beginning in the current year. In addition to ensuring consistency of information, where there is an overlap, this integrated pan-Canadian data platform enables potential investors and project partners to improve their decision-making capabilities and business agility.

Web Portal

The CIOD includes a user manual, links and support tools with useful information which allows users to create and download data in an interactive fashion, using their preferred search criteria. Subject to confidentiality obligations, participants will be able to access important information on key private sector projects. The CIOD is password-protected. To view it, participants will need to enter their password.